Saturday, December 13, 2008

Getting Ready for Christmas

It's been a fun December so far. Since we
are going to Florida for Christmas, it
seemed crazy to me to go to all the
trouble to decorate. Well, once I heard
all the ooooh's and ahhhh's from Molly
and Lindsey every time they saw anything
Christmas related, I caved. Lindsey and I
surprised Molly by decorating the house
when she was at school. Her reaction was well
worth the time we spent. Daddy was
happy, too!

Lindsey in my new favorite outfit of hers.

Picture taken by Lindsey of David and Molly.

Lindsey decided that she would be
able to sleep in her bed all night if
she wore two pair of pajamas. We'll
try anything so that idea was fine by
us. 2:00 a.m. - she was in bed with us;
two pair of pajamas and all.

Picture taken by Molly.

After decorating the house for
Christmas, it still seemed less
than festive with no tree. With Case,
Lindsey, and Molly in tow - we
headed to Lowe's and found a bargain
tree for $15. A split trunk doesn't
bother our family! Ryan came over
and put up the tree for us so David
would be surprised when he came
home from Raleigh. The next night
we decorated and when David was
putting on the lights, he found a spoon
in the tree. Lindsey's own style of tree

I went to a Christmas brunch last
weekend and David had the girls help
him clean the house. We wear get-ups
for all occasions; cleaning the house
is no exception. This was the attire for
helping swiffer and dust with dad.
Hannah and Chris came over so we could have a small
family celebration. The cousins - in yet another

Molly LOVES the store Justice but
we have never bought her anything
from there. Her luck changed when
Grandma Cerra gave her a shirt from
Justice AND she got enough money from
Aunt Stella, Aunt Janice, and Grandma Cerra to return
to Justice to buy her second shirt. I'm
not a shopper so David was kind enough
to take 2 hours out of his afternoon for Molly
to try on every shirt in every color before
making a decision. I haven't been in Justice
in a long time but I'm thinking she picked the
ugliest shirt they have every sold. But, she
is BEYOND thrilled with her selection. The
earrings (clip-on) are compliments of
Grammy. Molly thought they just completed
the look!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just love the decorations and all the outfits. My three girls look wonderful, just like they are. I love you all. xoxoxo