Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Kiddo Chaos

Today was the kid Christmas party at
our house. It was controlled chaos and as
always we were all shocked that we can bring
together 40 some kids and once again
there were no fights, nothing got
broken, and I have no new stains on
any of the furniture. It's a great group
of kids and we feel blessed to have so
many fun friends big and small.

Here is the entire gang - babies and

We even had live music this year. Caleb
played Ode to Joy. After he played he
stood up and bowed and all the kids
clapped. One of the cutest things I've
ever seen!

The audience

Haley - the double nose picker.

Lindsey taking a break from crafts
and running around with cousin

Bouncing Riley

Cowboy Jay

Jumping bean Copeland


Craft craziness

Glitter, glitter, and more glitter...

Cute Connor

Swaddled up William - he wanted
to join in the garage crafts and didn't
have a coat.


Cookie decorating in the garage.
And now, it's time to go pack for Florida. :)


Erin, Rob and Holden said...

You are brave! Looks like a ton of fun. Holden wishes he could've been part of the gang!

Anonymous said...

What fun!! How brave of you!! The party sure looks like a big hit. Thanks so much, as always, for sharing the happenings with us. Have you packed yet??? Have a ball in FL. We love you all so much!!! xoxoxo Grammy & Ernie

Courtney Scott said...

40 kids!!?? You'd have to sedate me!

I love reading about your girls. You all seem like you have such a good time. Have a wonderful Christmas!

Nana said...

Wow, I cannot even imagine that many kids at one time. It did look like a lot of fun though.