Tuesday, May 19, 2009

$2.20 and a book...

Today, the girls and I watched "Opera" together. I SWEAR this is not something we usually do, but we've been home sick on and off since Thursday so it just seemed like an OK thing to do. And today, it was. Oprah had individuals on that have found ways to help out others during these tough economic times.

Molly was most taken with Hannah, the girl who collects socks and Ashlee, the little girl who collects toys. Lindsey was mostly rolling around on the floor with the dogs begging me to change the channel to a "kid show" but she got the idea that kids can help out too.

Molly decided to go upstairs and get some money from her Piggy Bank. She wrote a note to Ashley, and put her money in an envelope to mail.

Sick eyes about to head to the mail box with her letter and $2.20 donation. See the vacuum in the background. I really did do something around the house today. It wasn't all about lying around watching T.V. - just mostly.

Lindsey joined in by picking "a book I don't really like that I'll give to the poored."

She wrote her name on the envelope and she wanted a "sticker" (stamp) for her envelope, too. I gave her one that she put on the other side and she marched to the mailbox as proud as she could be to mail her book to the "poored that live in Africa."

Thanks, "Opera" for showcasing all different ways young and old can help out people in need.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you both for being so generous. I love you both. xoxoxo Grammy