Sunday, August 22, 2010


Blair and Hannah planned a surprise bowling birthday party for Chris. A surprised Chris.
Lindsey's reaction to getting a strike.

Hannah kept the surprise from her dad for over a month! Very impressive...not sure I could do that!

The three amigos.
We brought pop rocks as party favors and one got stuck to the hair on Lindsey's arm. She was not going to let it go to waste. Mmmm....hairy pop rocks.
Lindsey was serious about her bowling was her dad who got a turkey. I think I was suppose to be very impressed I just had no idea what it meant.
Lindsey given Chris the card she made.

Lindsey's card. The yellow and red boomerang looking things are suppose to be "the crew" which made Chris very happy.
Chris and his girls.

Birthday boy makes a wish. Teddy, his firefighter friend made him a homemade Red Velvet cake that was delicious.

Birthday boy with the sign Blair made for him.

Chris wearing the crown Molly made for him.
A night of fun for all. Blair and Hannah are great party planners!

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