Monday, March 22, 2010

T-Ball Cuteness

Watching Lindsey play her first T-ball game was so fun. She LOVED her uniform, was so excited to be with her team, and did a great job hitting the ball. Catching the ball was a bit of a different story. She told David her favorite position she played in the game was 1st base because he could get the ball for her. The ball would roll right past her and into the stands, David would run and get it, throw it back to her and life was good. Nobody got out but she was happy. Safe on 1st.
This inning she remembered her glove. The first time she ran out without it and they had to send her back to the dugout. Minor detail.

Determined girl.

The cheering squad got bored and headed for the sand pile.

Great game, Yellow Jackets!


Holden's Happenings said...

Great job, Lindsey!! Go Yellow Jackets!

Reba Reed said...

How cute is she!!! And, she seems really intent on hitting that ball and making something happen...not sure what, but she'll get it. I also love the support of the cheering squad...intermittent but enthusiastic. Can't wait to see a t-ball "show."