Getting the girls down into their own beds goes pretty smoothly each night. Getting Lindsey to stay in her bed through the night is a
completely different story. At first she was afraid of the
butterflies over her bed so we took those down. Then she said the holes from where the
butterflies used to hang were "spooky" so David fixed that problem. With nothing left to complain about, she announced her whole room was making her scared and she needed to sleep with Molly and THEN she'd stay in bed all night. Molly agreed and David has been making a bed for Lindsey in Molly's big stuffed frog for over a week now. They have seemed to really enjoy sharing a room at night although it has NOT kept Lindsey from joining us in our bed most nights.
Since the girls have had fun sharing a room, the decided they wanted to get bunk beds. We told them bunk beds cost a lot of money and that wasn't something we were willing to buy right now. They seemed
unphased and decided they would by the bunk beds themselves.
Tonight, when putting them down for bed, this was the conversation between Molly and Lindsey.
Molly: Lindsey, we have GOT to go to the bunk bed store and pick out our bed. And I'm sleeping on the top.
Mawley, that is not really fair to me. I want the top.
Molly: You get up at night and will fall and break your head.
Lindsey: I'll use the ladder.
Molly: Mom, how much is a bunk bed?
Me: Around $700
Molly: O.K. Lindsey, we'll use your money and my money and then we'll buy one.
Mawley, I don't want to buy a bunk bed anymore. I am a saver girl, not a spender girl.
Molly: How am I going to get a bunk bed now? You're the one that has all the money?
Lindsey: Don't be a spender girl. Be a saver girl...(then with her finger pointing at Molly as she spoke) don't take any money from your piggybank!!
Wow, who knew such sound
financial advice could come from Lindsey. We need at least one saver girl in this house! We'll see what kind of a "sale" Molly comes up with to get money for her bed. As she was VERY disappointed that Lindsey was't game for helping buy the beds any longer.
And as for a good night sleep for me and David with no Lindsey...not counting on it!