Miss Molly on her actual birthday at 2:42 a.m. - sleeping in our bed, in Daddy's shirt. And of course, with thumb in mouth and hand up shirt. Maybe we could loose that habit by the time she turns 6. I can at least be hopeful...
Cute friend Walker stopped by on the big day to drop her off some Hello Kitty lipstick and a Hello Kitty charm bracelet.
The girls with their new "Itty Bitty Twins" from B and Grandaddy. Lindsey creatively named her baby Lindsey.
After a delicious and fun lunch at Sumo with Grammy, we headed to Molly's gymnastic show where we got to see her perform all her tricks. At the end of the show, they had Molly stand on the riser and they all sang Happy Birthday to her. The camera was out of batteries by that point and David was in the bathroom with Lindsey and the video camera. :(
Happy 5th Birthday, Lamby!
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