The USC Basketball Team has a group called the Carolina Girls that dance during half-time at the games. They offered a program that you could sign up for and spend an afternoon learning a dance and then the next weekend the girls would dance during the halftime show. When David brought the information home, Molly said she definitely wanted to participate. When he asked Lindsey if she wanted to do it, she asked him, "Why would I want to do that?" So, the weekend of February 5th, Molly spent 4 hours at the Colonial Center learning a dance and Lindsey and David went to the movies, to Cupcake, the State House grounds and cemetery, and Carmax. I was out of town and when I called to see how her day was, Lindsey told me it was the best day of her life. Molly had a great time too and I certainly enjoyed my relaxing weekend in Bluffton with Sherri Lee.

The following Saturday, Molly had to go early to rehearse so David, Lindsey and I hung around and waited for her to finish. I put a few Hannah Montana songs on my ipod and Lindsey was completely entertained.

Love that little girl in her hat.

I asked Molly if she met any friends at the Carolina Girls Dance Clinic and she told me about her new friend Claire. Here's Claire. Not was I was thinking when I said "new friend."

They danced to Justin Bieber's song, "Baby" which made Molly so very happy! She loved dancing with the other girls and is already talking about signing up for next year.

She was grinning ear to ear when she got back to our seats.

McCrary and Molly during "Sand Storm."

The Georgia fans in front of us were happy to give us their USC towels so everyone had a prop for "Sand Storm."

The crew. A great time for all. Lindsey said she "might" want to do it next year. If not, she can have another "best day of her life" with David.